Video Contest: $50 Prize
This game uses a unique animation system, so amazing or hilarious events can occur. If you want to capture the moment, record your gaming sessions.
Then edit it down to the interesting part, and send it to us in any standard video format like AVI.
Whenever we receive enough submissions, we'll choose and post the best trick, with your name, on this page. Then we will Paypal ( to paid licensed customers only)
the winner a $50 prize.
Skillful or improbable action sequences, tricks, or acrobatic motions will be considered.
We are most interested in amazing strikes: throwing your sword from a hilltop and chopping off the enemy's head, spinning arial stabs and kicks,
one legged jumps, or tragic deaths edited together.
Send your videos in a file under 20 MB, to videos@puppetarmyfaction.com
Or, better, upload your vids to YouTube, just email us the link.
How To Record Your Sessions
There are free video capture tools but the best way is to use Windows 10, play Kontrol, and simply press
Win + G
It will ask if Kontrol is a game, say "Yes"
Then, enable background recording by going to Settings->Gaming->Game DVR->Background Recording switch to "On" , and forget about it.
Play and then later when something cool happens, press Win-Alt-G
When background recording is enabled, Game DVR will constantly record the last 30 seconds of activity in the background
when you’re playing a game. It will save that 30-second snippet when you press Win-Alt-G and you can get a replay.
More details here:
Windows 10 is hiding a great video capture tool
It usually takes at least a few hours to get good mashing with the controls, then show off your skills, and get yourself paid for wasting your time playing Kontrol
when you should be outside playing real sports and having real adventures like Namiad does.